I have so many thoughts. This completely resonates with me. In recent years I’ve gotten a little bit better at lowering my own expectations of myself so that I can overcome that paralysis.

1) Just write if it makes you happy, if it doesn’t, don’t write.

2) Get off your own back. Trust that you will do what you love, without being pushed, after all, why wouldn’t you?

3) If it’s fear that’s truly in the way, fear of not writing a good book, of not living up to your secret quiet expectations of being GREAT, maybe it will help to aim for average, or just finished. Sit with scared 7 year old Lauren and help her with the homework of writing the story. Reassure her that everything’s going to be fine. We’re just going to write a little story now...

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I need a dose o' Doty! ❤️

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Hey you 🤗 Two things:

1) Granted, failing at something is hell, but not bringing a dream to fruition is like living in purgatory. I’d rather die in hell and get it over and done with than live a burdened life in purgatory.

2) When faced with a choice we humans don’t go for what gives us the greater joy but rather we choose the lesser pain. This reiterates 1) above. You must see failing as the greatest pain and so rather than moving forward with actions most likely to lead you to your joy, you choose actions most likely to keep you from your greatest pain.

Sending love from Radelaide xx

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So wise, dear Sue!

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