Lauren, your energy is love and kindness and no one could ask any more from you than that. Those of us fortunate enough to know you, are blessed by your presence. Hugs and stay strong on this journey. You so deserve you.

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Great insights about energy exchanges, I need to reassess some of my own. My big revelation this week is that being firm and clear on what I want and need is my responsibility and not rude. When I’m not clear I continue to stay in situations that don’t work for me and feel frustrated at the other party. I worry about offending people so much that I say nothing, say nothing, say nothing then explode with frustration... and that’s really impolite

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Love this, Lauren. Keep writing, keep noticing, keep redesigning.

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Ooh yes! Energy depletion... I am working on avoiding social media and one particular person who is an email energy vampire. Keep it up lovey Lauren xx

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Ahhh... I have a few of those energy vampires. My slayer skills are in high demand!

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I love reading about your journey and admire you for taking a positive stance on feeling well and also in helping others do the same ❤️

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You're biased, though ;)

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It's such a hard balancing act. To do the things I need in the morning to be well (walk and meditate) I have to give up time before work with my daughter. Unless I get up at 5am, but having tried that for a month and ended up in the grey swamps of sleep-deprivation, I don't think that's the right approach for me either. Anyway, keep exploring, I am loving reading about your process!

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Thanks Jordan!

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Loving your writing - I am struggling this end - My anxiety about infecting my parents is on the roof, but they need me to shop and cook - mum has had vaccine 1 - dad gets his tomorrow. But I still feel like I am committing patricide as I deliver casseroles and shopping. Work - lost my mojo. Deep down I know I am still bloody good, but I feel 12 today...in mum's high heels...

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Big hugs, Kate. You can do it.

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